About the BookJennifer Rushmore has overseen the restoration of Michael Johnson's ancestors’ doctor’s house long enough to work through their initial differences. They’ve begun applying the lessons of family and community learned from the past. Now the apothecary shop discloses a heart-breaking tale circa 1870 Georgia, shaking loose Jennifer’s own carefully suppressed past. She fears that when Michael sees beyond her façade, her tentative steps toward trust and love may disintegrate into rubble. On her journey to forgiveness, Jennifer draws on her new faith and friendships, even as the mysterious accidents clouding her first preservation job escalate into imminent danger. About the AuthorDenise Weimer holds a journalism degree with a minor in history from Asbury University. She is the author of The Restoration Trilogy, The Georgia Gold Series, romantic novella Redeeming Grace, and numerous magazine articles about the Northeast Georgia region. She's also a wife, a swim mom of two daughters, and for many years directed a group of mid-1800s dancers. Interview with the AuthorCheck out the interview with the author HERE. My Endorsement for the NovelDenise Weimer has written a beautiful novel with rich characters that come alive. She brings to life a story that has a lovely blend of both historic and present events that tie it all together. Friendship, faith, and mystery entangle readers in this fantastic book. Readers are not going to want to miss this next novel in the Restoration Trilogy! Series: The Restoration Trilogy Genre: contemporary, historical, southern Publisher: Canterbury House Publication date: September 1, 2016 Number of pages: 224 Content Rating: PG Book Rating: 5 stars An ARC was provided by the author via the publisher.
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