First Line Fridays -- 07.08.16
It is Friday and I am joining Carrie from Reading is My SuperPower, Rachel from Bookworm Mama, and Beth from Faithfully Bookish in First Line Fridays. If you would like to join us, send Carrie a meassage and let her know! Grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line! Today's first line is coming from Towers of Brierley by Anita Stansfield. This is one of my all time favorite books. I have read it many times and would highly recommend it to those that enjoy historical, Christian fiction. Add this book to GOODREADS or order from AMAZON--KINDLE & PRINT. "Gavin waited quietly behind a massive tree at the edge of the trail."
GIVEAWAY: One Kindle e-copy of the book will be gifted to one commenter! (So include your email address in your post in a non-spam format). What are you reading? What is your first line? Opent the book nearest you and post the first line...
Caryl Kane
7/8/2016 10:43:24 am
Five and a Half Years Ago "Will you marry me?" Meant to Be Mine by Becky Wade. I finished it last night.
Sarah Monzon
7/8/2016 12:10:24 pm
We only see what we want to see--in people, in love, and in life. 7/8/2016 01:16:36 pm
"When a bride finds The Dress, there is joy, laughter, and on some occasions, even spontaneous dancing." - Love, Lace, and Minor Alterations - It just came today! Yay! Oooh! That sounds good! dance.yourself.silly18ATgmailDOTcom
The first line describes the cover perfectly! How often does that happen?!
7/8/2016 09:35:02 pm
Can you guess the book from the first line? Just a hint, it's a new release historical ;-)
Britney Vasquez
7/8/2016 09:55:51 pm
"This is a cow." The book is Noisy Farm. Haha! The closest book to me was one of my 1 year old's children's books. =)
Winnie Thomas
7/9/2016 12:49:20 am
Lillian Avery's dream couldn't have come true at a worse time.-- From Anchor in the Storm by Sarah Sundin. I already have Towers of Brierly, so you don't need to enter me in the giveaway.
7/9/2016 06:37:29 am
"Is it dead?" Starlight Serenade by Debra E. Marvin. Kind of a funny first line! Lol
7/9/2016 06:39:18 am
Oops, forgot my email! mylittlebirdie (at) yahoo (dot) com
Debbie Clatterbuck
7/9/2016 10:49:43 am
"As Rose grabbed a clean glass from the bar, she caught sight of Emilio slipping in for the evening." A Lady in Defiance. Great book so far.
Debbie Clatterbuck
7/9/2016 10:52:30 am
Oops, forgot to add the author of A Lady in Defiance, which is Heather Blanton.
Sydney @ Singing Librarian Books
7/11/2016 09:40:11 am
Lots of great books here. Some I recognize and some I will have to look up and check out! Thanks everyone for stopping by! Will be selecting a winner shortly!! :) Comments are closed.
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