First Line Fridays--06.24.2016
It is Friday and I am joining Carrie from Reading is My SuperPower and Rachel from Bookworm Mama in First Line Fridays. If you would like to join us, send Carrie a meassage and let her know! Grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line! Today's first line is coming from the top paragraph of page 24 of My Father's House by Rose Chandler Johnson... "This is the one for me," I said, fluttering my fingers like fairy wings. What are you reading?
Open the book next to you, turn to page 24, and post the first sentence of the top paragraph.
Caryl Kane
6/24/2016 10:51:08 am
From page 24... 6/24/2016 11:18:03 am
Page 24 in my book is an illustration lol..."Tink, where are you?"nis the first line of page 25
Anne Rightler
6/24/2016 10:20:13 pm
covenant. Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; Comments are closed.
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