Hello and welcome to The Sound of Emeralds birthday blog tour! I’m posting today about Rachelle Rea Cobb’s third installment in the Steadfast Love series, an inspirational historical romance set during the 16th century!
Rachelle is also the author of The Sound of Diamonds and The Sound of Silver, the first two books in the series. She has also written Write Well, a guide for writers! Last summer, she married a man with the same first name as the hero of the Steadfast Love series! I’m joining in this blog tour to tell you a little more about Emeralds and spread the news about the rocking giveaway Rachelle is hosting—make sure you enter using the Rafflecopter form to win signed copies of all three books! About the Steadfast Love Series
In 16th-century Europe, the Reformation rages between Protestants and Catholics. Gwyneth, half-Dutch, flees from England to Holland to escape the man who murdered her parents. When he follows her there and insists he came to rescue her, will she trust this man called Dirk? When tragedy strikes, will their steadfast love erode?
About the Author
Times gone by snatch Rachelle Rea Cobb close, so she reads and writes about years long ago--her passions include the Reformation, Revolutions, and romance. Rachelle wrote the Steadfast Love series during college. Five months after she graduated, she signed a three-book deal with her dream publisher, WhiteFire. She's a homeschool grad, Oreo addict, and plots her novels while driving around her dream car, a pick-up truck. In June 2016, she married a man with the same name as her fictional hero, and they live happily ever after in Small Town, South. She is also the author of Write Well, a guide for writers, which released on March 4th!
About the Sound of Emeralds
What once was blazing hatred has turned to lasting love, but could the union of a wild heart with that of a lady ever result in more than heartache?
With the help of an old friend with uncertain loyalties, Dirk inches ever closer to clearing his name. Gwyneth throws her faith into good tidings and the promise of a future as a family. But an old evil comes to call, just as tragedy rips apart a fledgling truce. Enemies from the past and grief for the future threaten to tear asunder what God had brought together… As the date of Dirk’s trial approaches, his fate and his family hang in the balance. Will he be proven innocent of Gwyneth’s parents’ murders—or separated from her forever? How much pain does it take to erode a love steadfast? Interview with the Author
Check out the interview with the author HERE.
GIveawayTour Schedule
Saturday, April 15th
Meagan Davenport - http://www.meagandavenport.com/blog Sunday, April 16th Hannah - http://therosesheart.blogspot.com Cathie - http://misscathie.com Monday, April 17th Amada Chavez - http://ascphotosanddesigns.blogspot.com Rachel Dixon - http://bookwormmama14.blogspot.com/ Miranda Atchley - http://arealwriterslife.blogspot.com/ Beth Erin - http://www.faithfullybookish.com Tuesday, April 18th Deanna Stevens - www.dkstevens.wordpress.com Abigail Wilson - http://www.acwilsonbooks.com/ Emily Kopf - http://www.zerinablossom.com/ Wednesday, April 19th Carrie Schmidt - http://readingismysuperpower.org Tessa Emily Hall - www.ChristIsWrite.blogspot.com Thursday, April 20th Sydney Anderson - http://singinglibrarianbooks.com Anne Payne - http://annepayne.blogspot.com Teresa Tysinger - http://teresatysinger.com Friday, April 21st Becky Boerner - http://ohiohomeschool.blogspot.com/ Brittany McEuen - https://brittreadsfiction.wordpress.com/ Faith Blum - http://bookishorchestrations.blogspot.com Saturday, April 22nd Hallie Szott - http://pagebypagebookbybook.blogspot.com/ Crystal Scott - http://agreateryes.wordpress.com Annie JC - https://justcommonly.blogspot.com Charity Andrews - Www.aTransParentMom.com Liv K Fisher - http://livkfisher.blogspot.com/ Elizabeth Hartmann - http://carryingonthestory.blogspot.com/ Sunday, April 23rd Suzie Waltner - www.remembrancy.com Amanda Holmes - http://amandanicolle.blogspot.com/ Alicia Ruggieri - http://www.aliciagruggieri.com/category/blog |
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