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Interview with Trudie. L. Hayes
About the AuthorTrudie L. Hayes’ personal story and family life influenced her mission to spread the core values of self-acceptance, self-esteem, and self-love to children and persons of all ages. An affiliation with physically and mentally disabled adults and children spanning many years is a major contributing factor. The caregiver role has been paramount throughout much of her life, even while furthering her education or working full-time in a corporate setting. These experiences have given her a deep understanding of the trials and struggles associated with a compromised existence. As well as the inspiration and joy derived from living life to one's personal best. It is through these myriad life experiences that Hayes began writing and registering several related trademarks. With a grander vision of promoting confidence and self-worth. Born and raised in Connecticut, Hayes still calls the Nutmeg State home. The oldest of two children, she remains close to her siblings. When Hayes is not writing or managing her business, she dedicates her time to other creative outlets and artistic pursuits. Hayes has a deep appreciation and passion for music in its many forms; she enjoys writing song lyrics, performing, and has an affinity for Jazz. The Interview1. How did you get started as an author? What or whom inspired you? I have always been that proverbial fly on the wall. Watching, listening and feeling out others. Able to interact with them on the surface, while simultaneously crafting scenarios in my head; a participant observation sort of thing. I would concoct stories given things that were actually happening. With that vivid imagination, I decided to try executing to pen and paper. Where it became an entirely different thing. 2. How many book have you written and what genres? Thus far two: Young Adult-Convergence, just released; and a children's book in 2008, Of All The People In The World To Be...I Am Glad That I Am Me!"®, which I have just re-released. 3. What writing projects are you currently working on? What can you tell us about these projects? I have begun a sequel to Convergence; my plans are for it to be a trilogy. And I have another idea I have been mulling over for a few years. It is more controversial than anything I have done previously; and of a adult nature. I have a quite a few copyrighted poems I am considering compiling into book form. 4. What does your writing process look like? It's really not all that complicated and it depends on the type of writing. I rather like to place myself in the context of what's being written. For a light, happy fun piece. A bright, quiet, pleasant setting. For a more complex, complicated piece--a dark, barren, lonely setting. While I may not physically go to these places, I can spend time there in my head. 5. Where is your favorite place to write? This may sound odd, but it's in my head. There I can take myself wherever I want to be; and I prefer to be alone. If there are others around I can also take myself to an alone place in my head. 6. How important are the names in novels? How do you choose names for your characters? Do you have any name resources you would suggest? The names are important in that I know they are right. It's simply a feeling and pretty spontaneous. I generally feel grounded with the names I choose. There are occasions, however, after going deeper with writing, something does not feel proper. When this happens I may change a name. Fortunately, this is more rare. 7. What authors/novels that you enjoy would you recommend? Oddly, my reading tastes are of a spiritual and metaphysical jag. I love anything pertaining to the mind and its vastness. That includes the greats of yesteryear, 'til today. The greatest book I have ever read is Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization. 8. Where is your favorite place to read and why? I have no favorite place to read, but I relish the alone time. As I mentioned, if I am not afforded the luxury of alone time when I wish to read, I take myself to that place by way of my imagination. 9. What period of history interest you most? I am fascinated with all time before today. Any period when man exercises his will to overcome adversity with sheer determination and resilience. While the advances and inventions of modern day have done much to make existence less stressful an safer, there's something about using one's own ingenuity for survival I find appealing. 10. If you could choose someone famous to star om one of your books made to a movie, who would you choose and for what character? From the beginning I have felt Angelica Huston or Glenn Close as Euphira. Given many of the roles they have created; Morticia Adams and Cruella Deville respectively, I feel they epitomize Euphira at her best or worst. 11. What inspired the idea for the story for Convergence. The idea of a parallel existence for me is remarkable and the storyline has been approached more times than there is count. As has the good vs. evil theme. Once I began I could not stop. One way out storyline created another and the domino effect was off and running. 12. What other hobbies do you enjoy when you are not writing? I love mind exploration; forms of meditation and increased awareness. A jazz aficionado, I intend to be an accomplished singer and piano player when I grow up. Oh yes, that will not be for a very, very long time! Check out my review of CONVERGENCE.
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