Author Interviews
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Interview with Toni Shiloh #3
About the AuthorInterview1. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did becoming an author ever cross your mind? I changed my mind so often when I was a kid. I wanted to be a police officer, an interior designer, lawyer, foreign language teacher, etc. Becoming an author never crossed my mind because I didn’t see it as a something I was good at. Sure I always had high grades in English and enjoyed writing poems and the like, but I felt they were for my own viewing pleasure. Once I decided to go back to college and earn a degree the thought that I could be an actual author finally crept in. 2. How many different publishers have you written for? Do you prefer writing for a publisher or Indie publishing? What are the pros and cons of each? I’ve written for one small press publisher. They’ve been great at marketing my books to the masses and that’s the major pro I see for going the traditional route of publishing. Editors, marketing, all of it is included with your contract. It can also be a con because you don’t control where you market, who edits your work, etc. I think the type of personality one has helps them choose their own publishing route. 3. Who are some of your favorite authors? Do they inspire your own writing? I have tons of favorite authors because I read in a lot of different genres. In contemporary romance my favorites are Pepper Basham, Becky Wade, Jennifer Rodewald, Sarah Monzon, and Mikal Dawn. I’ll devour anything these ladies write. For romantic suspense I’m all about Lynette Eason, Ronie Kendig, Dani Pettrey, and Irene Hannon. Whatever they touch is gold. J I also have favorite speculative writers such as Nadine Brandes, K. E. Ganshert, and Ronie Kendig. Since I write contemporary romance I would say my favorite authors in that genre do influence my writing. I hope to inspire the same emotions and love of characters that they inspire in me. 4. What is your current WIP? What can you tell us about it? I decided to write a story just for the pure fun of it so I’m writing a medieval fantasy. My character, Althea, has been charged with healing the second borne prince. She has to use her spiritual gift of healing but as she’s only a fifth-level student, she is unsure of her capabilities. I can’t wait to see where the story takes me as I haven’t plotted a single chapter. :) 5. What inspired the idea for Returning Home? I was out driving one day and wondered what would happen if one got in a horrific car crash that cost them their limb. It seems most often we associate a loss like that with the military, but every day civilians go through just as much as those who serve in the military. 6. What do you want readers to take away from reading Returning Home? God can see you through the trials and tribulations you’re going through. That He cares for you and will never leave your side. Comments are closed.
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May 2021