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Interview with Scarlette Pike
About the AuthorScarlette Pike became a writer by being an avid reader of Georgette Heyer and many other regency authors. She is a senior in UVU’s English program with an emphasis in Literature Studies. In Spite of Lions is her first finished novel inspired by her love for the regency era. The story has been carefully researched in order to preserve and promote historical accuracy. Author Residence: Saratoga Springs, UT The InterviewFun Questions1. What is your favorite dessert? I discovered crème brule about five years ago and now every time I see it – it gets eaten. Especially when it’s all gorgeous under glass. Those jerks at Zupas get me every time. 2. What is your favorite beverage? All fruity beverages are my friends. 3. What is your favorite movie and/or TV show? Ironically my favorite movie is The Last Samurai and favorite tv show is Reba. So…. bit of a difference there... 4. Where is your favorite place to go on holiday? Favorite, so far, is Cinque Terra, Italy! I accidentally stumbled upon a picture I had pinned on Pinterest! Hashtag magical. Author Questions1. What did you want to be when you grew up? Did becoming an author ever cross your mind? I wanted to be an architect until I realized how much math was involved. After that I tried about sixteen different careers and “Writer” was never one of them. I was happy leaving writing to my siblings and dad. This book came as a total surprise to me. 2. What authors do you enjoy? Do these authors inspire your own writing? I am a Georgette Heyer groupie. If there was ever a mosh pit in her honor I would go. I aspire to her level of writing/researching kung fu but also have a healthy grasp on my reality. 3. When you are not writing, what other "hats" do you wear? I am a full time mom so I wear the cleaning-up-human-waste, and chasing-tiny-humans hat. When I’m not doing that I am wearing the hat of emotional health and recovery. It gets on my brothers’ nerves but I do enjoy having truth conversations with other recovery minded individuals. Topics like boundaries, codependency, shame, addiction, expectations, chaos, what love really is, etc. And when I’m not wearing THAT hat I am wearing the obsessed-with-movies hat! Book Related Questions![]() 1. What inspired the idea for In Spite of Lions? I went from an intense management job at a hotel (50+ hrs a week) to barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen within just a couple weeks. The pregnancy was a surprise, right after we moved to a new city, and no hotel in my area would hire me. So I went from having ALL of my time planned out to the minute to having all the spare time in the world, in a new place, no friends, and absolutely no money. Even after my baby was born he was crazy easy and I was MASSIVELY bored and going insane. I actually ended up literally praying for a hobby. I knelt down and basically said, “I am used to being busy and now I have NOTHING to do and I’m losing it. Please help me find something I can do that costs nothing, that I can do with a newborn and that can make me feel like a PERSON instead of just a milk cow. Amen!” That night I had a dream of a Victorian era girl who ran away from her culture because of something horrible. And it got me wondering where she would go? And who would she go with? And would she even survive!? Since I wear the hat of Georgette Heyer groupie and movie aficionado I knew that Christian missionaries at that time would mostly go to either China, India or Africa. Nothing in China or India caught my eye, but when I researched Africa I met David Livingstone right away and all of his journals were free online. I just love him! I love his bravery, his studious note taking and his sense of humor. Then along came Chief Sechele and I was hooked. I WANTED to research until I was dead so I could be friends with these people. The story wrote itself from there! 2. What do you want readers to take away from reading In Spite of Lions? Wow that is so out of my hands.. but if I had to choose I think I would want readers to get to know the Livingstones and Sechele better. Without me embellishing it at all it is an amazing history and they are worth sharing. I would also want them to realize that women have an innate strength, worth and power in any era. Most women I know would do the same things as Anna because they love people so much and love adventure. She is you! I based her off of myself and all women. There’s courage in all of us. 3. What is your current WIP? What can you tell us about it? I know several people who will not speak to me until I write the sequel to In Spite of Lions. Better get on that! It’s drafted out on paper (and in my head) but I’ve got to get it done. I am also storyboarding a children’s book with my friend, Stephanie Hibbert. It’s for children on emotional health and it is a story about how adults can help children conquer the “shame monster”. More to come and we are excited!
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May 2021