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Interview with Rachel L. Miller
About the AuthorRachel L Miller writes sweet Amish romance with a focus on faith, family and friendship. She feels very strongly that God has led her to live a simpler lifestyle; thus her deep kinship with the plain people. She enjoys spending time with her family and doing fun, simple things like swimming, making sun tea, sitting outside watching the sunrise or listening to rain fall on the tin roof. Rachel enjoys writing Amish fiction and hopes that the purity of her stories will allow God’s message to shine through more clearly. She also writes Contemporary Inspirational Romance – and with all of her stories she focuses on presenting romance the way God intended it to be. Readers can connect with Rachel on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Goodreads and her website. Interview1. Who or what inspired you to become an author? My mother is who truly inspired me. I have been a storyteller for as long as I can remember, but she was the one who really pushed me to write, and she was the one who believed in me the most. 2. What did you want to be when you grew up? Did becoming an author ever cross your mind? I never settled on a specific career. I always wanted to be a mother more than anything else. Becoming an author was always a pipe dream… I never thought it was even remotely possible for me. 3. What can you tell us about your research and writing process for A Mother for Leah? There was a considerable amount of research, most of which meant reading. I have read quite a few non-fiction books and at least one fiction book by every major author of Amish fiction on the market today; trying to get a feel for where I wanted my community, what sort of rules and standards I wanted, etc… And then, of course, we had to visit actual Amish communities. 4. What inspired the idea for A Mother for Leah? Prayer. The story was entirely God-led. I had no idea where I wanted any of it to go when I started. I just prayed and followed where God led me. 5. What do you want readers to take away from reading A Mother for Leah? I hope that readers will take away a sense that they are not alone in whatever personal struggles they are dealing with. I hope that readers will be inspired to bring their families closer together. 6. When you are not writing, what other “hats” do you wear? Mother, Graphics Designer, Website Builder, Personal Assistant Comments are closed.
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May 2021