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Interview with D.P. Cornelius
About the AuthorIn his debut Christian novel, Doug Cornelius hopes to inspire young adults to reflect on God’s unconditional love while re-living history’s experiences confronting evil. A Twin Cities, Minnesota native, retired from careers at Target, Amex, and 3M, he enjoys spending time with his wife, two children, three amazing grandchildren, complacent old dog, and frolicsome new cat, Selah. Interview1. What inspired you to become an author? An older sister created the challenge by writing and publishing two books, and throughout my business career people complimented me on my writing. Ultimately, though, I believe God challenged me late in life to hone my skills to write Christian novels as my missional contribution.
2. What does your writing process look like? I have a favorite chair in a sunroom with a view of nature not far from the Mississippi River. I usually write in the mornings. My first draft is long-hand in a spiral notebook, second on the computer. My plot outline is usually a couple of pages with just enough detail to get me started and keep me headed in the right direction. I then back-fill along the way. 3. Who are some of your favorite authors? Do they inspire your own writing? I’ve been to two Christian writers’ conferences (Colorado and Florida) and have learned to appreciate Dan Walsh and Tim Shoemaker for their voice and style. As male role models in the Christian fiction genre, their success has been an inspiration. 4. What inspired the idea for The Baker’s Daughter? After watching Ken Burn’s WW II series and taking a Great Course about Christian martyrs, I became determined to weave the examples of sacrificial love exhibited by Maximillian Kolbe (gave his life in exchange for another in a concentration camp) and Dietrich Bonhoeffer into an historical fiction piece in which the protagonists would learn by their examples. 5. What do you want readers to take away from reading The Baker’s Daughter? I want the reader to truly understand the full extent of God’s unconditional love for each one of us (even a Nazi officer whose evil heart could be redeemed), such that we have the courage to step out with sacrificial love towards others in many ways (doesn’t have to be a monumental Christ-like sacrifice like giving of one’s life). 6. When you are not writing, what hobbies do you enjoy? I spend way too much time watching and following local sports teams, with the Minnesota Twins and Vikings being my two favorites. Comments are closed.
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May 2021