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Interview with Camille Eide
About the AuthorCamille Eide writes romantic, inspirational dramas about love, faith, and family. She lives in Oregon with her husband and is a mom, grammy, bass guitarist, and a fan of muscle cars, tender romance, oldies Rock, and Peanut M&Ms. The Interview1.How long does it typically take you to write a book? Oh boy, I haven't had a typical book-writing experience and I'm not sure I ever will. My first book---my first baby---was a work in progress while I studied the craft, then it underwent a strenuous revision at my agent's request. After Like There's No Tomorrow was finally contracted and underwent more rounds of edits, it took on a nice shine. From first cursor click to print release: 7-1/2 years. I cut most of my writer teeth on that one. By the time the second book was underway, I'd worked diligently on my craft in hopes of avoiding any more strenuous revisions. Like a Love Song took me about two years to write and won the Genesis Award in 2011. The Memoir of Johnny Devine took about 8 months and was anything but typical. It was a true God-send as it was both divinely inspired and assisted. I have no clue how long the next one will take to complete. 3 months or 3 years, probably. :) 2. When did you write your first book and how old were you? I believe I was 7 and it was a book about Snoopy. I even designed the cover from a cereal box. But my first published book, Like There's No Tomorrow, was the first book I wrote in hopes of becoming published. I was forty-something, my 3 kids nearly grown, youngest still in high school. And I'd recently discovered I loved the work of Jane Austen because I'd finally had the chance to sit down and read more than 2 pages of a book at a time. 3. What suggestions would you give potential author to help them become a better writer? READ, STUDY, & TRUST. Read GREAT writing to train your gut instincts.Study & practice the craft until you are deadly precise in structure, grammar, story, deep POV. etc. Then forget everything you've studied and Trust your Jedi instincts. 4. How frequently do you hear from your fans? Mom calls nearly every day. :) I am pretty active on social media, so I am in regular touch with readers. I get an occasional email or message, which is wonderful! And funny you should ask: just today, I got a phone call at my day job from a local reader (who knows where I work) who called crying about the Johnny Devine story. She just wanted to thank me for writing it. She wasn't even finished reading it yet! That was a first. :) 5. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did becoming a writer ever cross your mind? Absolutely. I already had Peanuts & Snoopy sequels ready to go if Shultz ever asked. I also wanted to be a concert pianist and an actress. In Jr High, my English teacher loaned me books and encouraged my writing, so I think she planted The Bug. Praise the Lord for intuitive teachers. :) Long before I picked up a pen to write a novel, I'd been writing plays and scripts for church dramas, so I don't think there was a time I wasn't writing something. 6. What hobbies do you enjoy when you are not writing? I read, play bass guitar for the church worship band, bake cinnamon rolls when wheedled into it, and play with my busy little granddaughter. Check out my review for
THE MEMOIR OF JOHNNY DEVINE Comments are closed.
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May 2021